Our team

As our patient you will be well looked after. Our team is made up of highly qualified specialists who provide you with the highest level of service.


Professor Hermann F. Sailer
Prof. Dr. med., Dr. med. dent., Dr. h.c. mult., Dr. sc. h.c. mult.

Founder of the Clinic, Clinic director

Learn more

Dr. h. c. Erica Sailer
Co-Founder of the Clinic, Facial planning/Aesthetic consultations


+41 43 268 30 78

+41 43 555 80 97

Dr. Martin Lanzer
PD Dr. Dr.med.
sleep medicine
Leading medical doctor

Dr. Steffen Ulbrich
Dr. med. dent.


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Clinic team

Angela Oppenberger
Head of patient services


+41 43 555 80 97

+41 79 526 15 16

Dounia Naciri

Dipl. Intensive Care

Languages: German, English, Arabic, Spanish, Dutch

Jelena Tejic
Surgical assistant Prof. Sailer


+41 43 555 80 93

+41 76 347 88 84

Sabrije Cakolli
Dental assistant/ hospital secretary


+41 76 785 11 93

+41 43 555 80 90

Slavka Benz
Qualified nursing specialist

Michaela Herec
Russian patient service

Hatice Tanrikulo
Clinic assistant